Windwos 2012R2 VDI change "local virtual desktop creation location"


disk on RDVH is running out of space.

I am trying to Change the "local virtual Desktop creation Location"for existing collection/pool to a new drive (on same RDVH/hyper-v host).
I can not find a way to move this. Is there no way to Change this Settings? Only recreate the pool?

Is there a way to Change the RDVH (replace hyper-v server)?

With Windows 2012R2 hyper-v i have also "shared nothing" Migration. Is this usable for VDI?

Maybe somebody can answer the questions.

Thank you



December 12th, 2014 3:02pm

Hi Marc,

Thank you for posting in Windows Server Forum.

As per my research, sorry to disappoint you but there is no supported way to Change the "local virtual Desktop creation Location" for existing collection/pool to a new drive. Only supported way is to create a new template or need to update the template VM and then re-export it, both of which have to be done manually.  Please not, if you just update the .vhd and youve changed VM Settings as well, those settings will not get picked up until the VM is re-exported. 

You can find more details over beneath.
Lab Ops 7 Setting up a pooled VDI collection in Windows Server 2012 R2

Hope it helps!

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December 15th, 2014 8:01am


As this case has been quiet for a while. I need to close the case and will mark it as Answer. If this case is still unresolved,I suggest you ask in a new thread. 

Thanks for your Support & understanding!

December 23rd, 2014 4:10am


As I understand, we need to create new collection to change default path. Are there a way to connect VM's from old collection to the new one?

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February 10th, 2015 3:10am

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